Welcome to my site! My name is Morgan Jones. I'm currently an upperclassman at Berkeley Preparatory School and have always been fascinated with the harp and the way music can move each of us. Since I was 10, I've studied Concert Grand Pedal Harp with amazing harpists, such as Haley Rhodeside - Principal Harpist with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, John McColley - Adjunct Professor of Harp at the University of Tampa, and with Florida's premier Concert Harpist - Dolly McClellan Roberts.
The most exciting part of learning this instrument - and learning to perform in general - has been through my opportunities to provide Music Therapy sessions for patients and staff for those in need of the comfort of music. BayCare Health Systems, and St. Joseph's Children's Hospital, have been so kind to include me as part of their Music Therapy programs. I've also provided small group Music Therapy sessions for nursing homes near me, and have volunteered (and have been paid as a professional!) for services at local churches.
To learn more about how to engage me for a mini-recital, holiday function, harp accompaniment for church services, or Music Therapy, please contact me. I would love to help brighten someone's day!